22 research outputs found

    Políticas y estrategias de comunicación en el marco de un paradigma contemporáneo. Caso de Estudio: Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de Guayllabamba

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    La presente disertación tiene como objetivo principal el diseño de políticas de comunicación para una entidad de representación (Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de Guayllabamba) con relación a los cambios paradigmáticos en el campo de la comunicación. Es por esto, que a lo largo del trabajo se aborda desde un perspectiva teórico - práctica los lineamientos necesarios para la construcción de políticas de comunicación como de un modelo de sistematización de estrategias y acciones aplicables al contexto. Por ser un campo de estudio puramente de naturaleza social la metodología aplicada, de manera cuasi general, fue la cualitativa. Esto se debe a que mantiene un importante nivel de permeabilidad en la recolección de datos, y en el posterior análisis de estos. Así, se aplicaron dos técnicas de recolección de información directas (un sondeo de opinión y una entrevista a profundidad) y una técnica indirecta: la observación en el campo. Por consiguiente, los hallazgos más importantes, posterior a la interpretación y análisis, fueron los siguientes. Primeramente, la existencia de una falta de comprensión de la importancia, necesidad y campo de aplicación de la comunicación, en general. En un segundo lugar, el diseño de políticas de comunicación mantiene una relación compleja tanto en su elaboración como implementación por factor y condiciones exógenos como endógenos a la institución. Asimismo, que es necesario mantener flujos de comunicación participativos entre las distintas esferas sociales (de poder) para una elaboración realista de las políticas de comunicación. Por otro lado, los canales de comunicación y su uso deben surgir de las políticas de comunicación a través de planes estratégicos. Finalmente, se develó la naturaleza de las políticas de comunicación como un elemento regente de todas las actividades de una organización independientemente de su naturaleza

    Análisis del potencial turístico de la región cárstica del municipio de El Peñón, Santander

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    El municipio de El Peñón, en Santander, sobre la cordillera oriental colombiana, se caracteriza por presentar un paisaje cárstico que alberga una gran cantidad de biota que cumple roles funcionales para el mantenimiento de la vida y la regulación de los flujos y ciclos de materia y energía en sus ecosistemas. El espeleoturismo y el ecoturismo rural se han presentado como una alternativa económica de aprovechamiento del patrimonio natural y cultural de la región, para enfrentar una historia de conflicto que ha relegado a la comunidad peñonera a una situación de pobreza y de falta de esperanzas, profundizada por el abandono estatal al campesinado. A partir de un diagnóstico de las dimensiones ecológica, económica y cultural, y la aplicación de una metodología de evaluación de la capacidad de carga, el presente trabajo presenta un análisis sobre el potencial turístico de la región de cuevas y cavernas de El Peñón. Los ecosistemas subterráneos peñoneros pueden ser considerados de interés científico o turístico, en función de su capacidad de carga física y ecológica, requiriendo una zonificación que regule los usos permitidos y las categorías de protección para cada sistema. Como alternativa económica, el turismo sostenible se constituye en una actividad que puede apoyar la superación de la pobreza y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población local, al tiempo que puede garantizar la conservación de sus ecosistemas y la preservación de la autenticidad de sus gentes. De esta forma reflexiona sobre la necesidad de garantizar una gestión ambiental que propenda por un uso y manejo sostenible de estos territorios, bajo el objetivo estratégico de la conservación y finalmente propone lineamientos estratégicos para la promoción del turismo sostenible en la región que hagan frente al deterioro de sus ecosistemas.Abstract: The Municipality of El Peñón, Department of Santander, located in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera, is characterized by presenting a karst landscape that houses a large amount of biota. That biota fulfills functional roles for the maintenance of life and the regulation of flows and cycles of matter and energy in their ecosystems. The speleotourism and rural ecotourism have been presented as an economic alternative to take advantage of the natural and cultural heritage of the region, to face a history of conflict that has relegated the community to a situation of poverty and lack of hope, deepened by the state abandonment to the peasantry. Based on a diagnosis of the ecological, economic and cultural dimensions, and the application of a load capacity assessment methodology, this paper presents an analysis of the tourism potential of the region. Caves and caverns of the municipality of El Peñón, department of Santander. In this way, it reflects on the need to guarantee environmental management that encourages the sustainable use and management of these territories, under the strategic objective of conservation and finally proposes strategic guidelines for the promotion of sustainable tourism in the Region that address the deterioration of its ecosystems.Maestrí

    Evolution of IFN-gamma response against mycobacterial antigens used for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in BCG vaccinated cattle under a natural transmission setting in central Chile

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a chronic disease of animals mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis, a zoonotic pathogen that generates economic losses in the milk and meat industry. In central Chile, the Metropolitan Region concentrates dairy herds with the highest bTB prevalence of the country and the official veterinary service has supported the evaluation of the M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine in this area with the replacement of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPDs) by the DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) peptides for the bTB diagnosis in the herds. This study aimed to describe the IFN-gamma response against PPDs (bovine and avian PPD) and DIVA antigenic cocktails (ESAT-6/CFP-10 and Rv3615c) in BCG vaccinated 11-month-old heifers under a natural transmission scenario. Sixty-two animals were vaccinated via subcutaneous route with a 2-8 x 105 colony forming units of BCG Russia strain and 60 control animals received sterile saline. Blood sampling was performed at time 0, previous to vaccination, and then at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months post-inoculation. The follow up of the IFN-gamma response in animals determined that the BCG vaccination interferes with the diagnosis of bTB using the traditional bovine PPD between 9 and 12 months post-inoculation. Furthermore, the sensitization with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) was also interfering the diagnosis relying in PPDs, suggesting the need of using DIVA antigens under this epidemiological condition, whether or not the BCG vaccine is administered in cattle, in order to improve the accuracy of bTB diagnosis in central Chile

    The growth of COVID-19 scientific literature: A forecast analysis of different daily time series in specific settings

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    Paper submitted to the ISSI Conference 2021.We present a forecasting analysis on the growth of scientific literature related to COVID-19 expected for 2021. Considering the paramount scientific and financial efforts made by the research community to find solutions to end the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented volume of scientific outputs is being produced. This questions the capacity of scientists, politicians and citizens to maintain infrastructure, digest content and take scientifically informed decisions. A crucial aspect is to make predictions to prepare for such a large corpus of scientific literature. Here we base our predictions on the ARIMA model and use two different data sources: the Dimensions and World Health Organization COVID-19 databases. These two sources have the particularity of including in the metadata information on the date in which papers were indexed. We present global predictions, plus predictions in three specific settings: by type of access (Open Access), by NLM source (PubMed and PMC), and by domain-specific repository (SSRN and MedRxiv). We conclude by discussing our findings

    Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa Hospital Clínico PROVIDA S.A.C.

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    Actualmente, el Perú es uno de los países con buen ritmo de crecimiento económico dentro de la región, sin embargo esto no se ve reflejado en el desarrollo de la calidad y cobertura de atención de salud de la población, que permita un desarrollo sostenible de la productividad y competitividad del país. En ese contexto las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud, públicas y privadas, deben enmarcarse dentro de los lineamientos y objetivos de salud pública que el Estado está impulsando rumbo al Bicentenario de nuestro país. El presente documento es el plan estratégico para la Clínica PROVIDA de Chiclayo, el cual ha sido elaborado con la finalidad de tener una proyección a un tiempo determinado, en consecuencia la organización ha establecido la siguiente visión: “Para el 2030, ser la clínica líder en la categoría II-2 de establecimientos de salud y con el mayor número de especialidades en la región Lambayeque, contando para ello con profesionales de la salud capacitados e infraestructura y equipos de última generación, contribuyendo de esta manera a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas y por ende la competitividad de nuestro país”. Actualmente, el sector salud está atravesando por una grave crisis que se ve reflejado en el bajo índice de inversión por parte del Estado, esto conlleva a que se tenga una alta demanda insatisfecha y que exige servicios de salud de calidad en los diferentes establecimientos. Ante tal situación, la clínica PROVIDA de Chiclayo tiene la oportunidad de poder atender a dicha población y de esta manera lograr un crecimiento sostenido. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de los factores externos e internos de la organización, los cuales han permitido identificar las oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades; de esta manera se lograron establecer las diferentes estrategias que permiten lograr los objetivos de corto y largo plazo con la finalidad de alcanzar la visión trazada por la empresa.Currently, Peru is one of the countries with a good pace of economic growth within the region, however this is not reflected in the development of the quality and health care coverage of the population, which allows a sustainable development of the productivity and competitiveness of the country. In this context, the institutions that provide public and private health services must be framed within the guidelines and objectives of public health that the State is promoting towards the Bicentennial of our country. This document is the strategic plan for the PROVIDA Clinic in Chiclayo, which has been developed in order to have a projection at a certain time, therefore the organization has established the following vision: “By 2023, be the leading clinic in category II – 2 “of health establishments and with the largest number of specialties in Lambayeque region, counting with trained health professionals and also with infrastructure and equipment of last generation, contributing in this way to improve the quality of life of the people and therefore the competitiveness of our country ”. Nowadays the health sector is going through a serious crisis that is reflected in the low rate of investment by the State, this leads to high unmet demand that demands quality health services in the different establishments. Faced with this situation, the PROVIDA clinic in Chiclayo has the opportunity to be able to attend to this population and in this way achieve a sustained growth. For this, an analysis of the external and internal factors of the organization has been carried out, which have allowed the identification of opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses; In this way, the different strategies that help us to achieve the short and long term objectives were established in order to achieve the vision set by the company.Tesi

    Vaccination of Calves with the Mycobacterium bovis BCG Strain Induces Protection against Bovine Tuberculosis in Dairy Herds under a Natural Transmission Setting

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, of which control is based on culling infected animals and, without official compensations, is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The vaccination of cattle with the M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) strain, as a strategy for bTB control, might attenuate this situation. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of 501 calves in seven dairy farms, including 441 non-vaccinated control animals. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using a diagnostic procedure which discriminates the infected amongst vaccinated animals. On average, the BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection (22.4%) at the end of the trial, although diverse levels of protection and duration of immunity were observed between trial herds, suggesting that the efficacy of the BCG vaccination could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results support the use of BCG as a complementary tool in the control of the disease in high prevalence areas. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, which is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of calves in seven dairy farms from a high prevalence area in central Chile. The trial was performed with 501 animals, subcutaneously vaccinated with 2-8 × 10 5 colony-forming units of BCG, whilst 441 matched control animals received a saline placebo. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using the IFNγ release assay in conjunction with the DIVA (Detecting Infected amongst Vaccinated Animals) antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10 and Rv3615c. The BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection of 22.4% (95% CI 4.0 to 36.4) at the end of the trial. However, diverse levels of protection and a variable duration of immunity were observed between trial herds. This diverse outcome could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results suggest that BCG vaccination of dairy calves in a natural transmission setting confers variable protection to animals against bTB in a high prevalence area

    Vaccination of Calves with the Mycobacterium bovis BCG Strain Induces Protection against Bovine Tuberculosis in Dairy Herds under a Natural Transmission Setting

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, of which control is based on culling infected animals and, without official compensations, is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The vaccination of cattle with the M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) strain, as a strategy for bTB control, might attenuate this situation. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of 501 calves in seven dairy farms, including 441 non-vaccinated control animals. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using a diagnostic procedure which discriminates the infected amongst vaccinated animals. On average, the BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection (22.4%) at the end of the trial, although diverse levels of protection and duration of immunity were observed between trial herds, suggesting that the efficacy of the BCG vaccination could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results support the use of BCG as a complementary tool in the control of the disease in high prevalence areas. ABSTRACT: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, which is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of calves in seven dairy farms from a high prevalence area in central Chile. The trial was performed with 501 animals, subcutaneously vaccinated with 2–8 × 10(5) colony-forming units of BCG, whilst 441 matched control animals received a saline placebo. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using the IFNγ release assay in conjunction with the DIVA (Detecting Infected amongst Vaccinated Animals) antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10 and Rv3615c. The BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection of 22.4% (95% CI 4.0 to 36.4) at the end of the trial. However, diverse levels of protection and a variable duration of immunity were observed between trial herds. This diverse outcome could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results suggest that BCG vaccination of dairy calves in a natural transmission setting confers variable protection to animals against bTB in a high prevalence area

    Estudio comparativo sobre dos tipos de agentes desensibilizantes post clareamiento dental

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    Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización en Clínica Integral del Adulto)Introducción: Durante el 2013, en la Universidad Andrés Bello, como trabajo de investigación se realizó el trabajo "Estudio Comparativo Sobre Dos Agentes Desensibilizantes Post Clareamiento Dental". Objetivo: Determinar si existe alguna diferencia entre la acción desensibilizante de los dos tipos de agentes. Materiales y métodos: a través de una escala visual análoga (EVA), fueron evaluados los valores de hipersensibilidad pre y post blanqueamiento dental en oficina y controlados por dos semanas. Los dientes a controlar fueron ambos caninos superiores. Se utilizó el gel blanqueador Whiteness HP blue calcium 35%, y los compuestos desensibilizantes evaluados fueron el nitrato de potasio 5% (Sensikin®) y el fosfosilicato de sodio y calcio (Sensodyne Repara y Protege®). El uso de las pastas desensibilizantes fue por dos semanas tras el blanqueamiento clínico. Resultados: Los valores obtenidos para la hipersensibilidad dentinaria, fueron agrupados y evaluados estadísticamente, a través del test Mann-Whitney. No se encontró una diferencia significativa entre los resultados de ambas pastas tras su uso por una semana y dos semanas (CSD 1ra semana p= 0.5279, CSI 1ra semana p= 0.8768, CSD 2da semana p= 0.1299, CSI 2da semana p= 0.4255). Conclusiones: no hubo diferencias en el control de la hipersensibilidad post blanqueamiento, tras usar una pasta desensibilizante con nitrato de potasio 5% (Sensikin®) o una con fosfosilicato de sodio y calcio 5% (Sensodyne repara y protege®). Se sugiere el uso de estas pastas desensibilizantes para el control y tratamiento de la hipersensibilidad dentinaria diagnosticada como tal.lntroduction: During 2013 the degree research "Comparative Study Of Two Post Whitening Dental Desensitizing Agents", was carried out at Universidad Andres Bello. Objective: to determine whether there is any significant difference between the action of the two desensitizing agents. Materials and methods: Through a visual analog scale (VAS), values were evaluated pre and post hypersensitivity tooth whitening and controlled for two weeks. Maxillary canines were teeth controlled. Whiteness HP blue calcium 35%, was the bleaching gel used and components were evaluated desensitizing potassium nitrate (Sensikin®) and calcium sodium phosphosilicate (Sensodyne Repara y Protege®). The use of desensitizing paste was for two weeks after the tooth whitening. Results: the values obtained for dentin hypersensitivity were grouped and statistically evaluated through Mann-Whitney's test. No significant difference was found between the results of both compounds after use for a week and two weeks (CSD week 1 p= 0.5279, CSI week 1 p= 0.8768, eso week 2 p= 0.1299, CSI week 2 p= 0.4255). Conclusion: No significant difference in the control of post bleaching hypersensitivity after desensitizing paste using a potassium nitrate 5% (Sensikin®) or calcium sodium phosphosilicate 5% (Sensodyne repara y protege®).Suggests the use of these compounds for the control and desensitizing treatment of dentin hypersensitivity diagnosed as such

    Is it possible to control bovine tuberculosis without compensation? Reviewing ten years of the Chilean program and its progress

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    Abstract In 2011, the Chilean bovine tuberculosis (bTB) program was launched by the Livestock and Agriculture Service (SAG) as a compulsory countrywide program based on testing and culling of bTB reactors at herd-owners expense. This review outlines the rationale and key components of the bTB program, and the dynamic changes that have occurred since 2011. The paper also examines the problems identified by stakeholders and the initiatives put in place to address the constraints to achieving progress. To date, the program has shown progress in controlling bTB. However, in order to achieve bTB eradication it will be essential to improve the commitment of stakeholders, and to develop a framework of strong and workable regulations that will help to manage bTB outbreaks, particularly where clusters of bTB infection are recorded